"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers,
to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood"
Acts 20:28
The Fr. In-Charge is the spiritual head of the Parish.
He exercises the Pastoral care of the Parish community - entrusted to him - under the authority of the Diocesan Bishop,
whose ministry of Christ he is called to share, so that for the Parish community, he may carry out the offices of teaching,
sanctifying and ruling with cooperation of other priests or deacons and with the assistance of lay members of Christ’s faithful,
in accordance with the law.
The Assistant Fr. in Charge is a collaborator with the Father in Charge
in the pastoral ministry. His duties are regulated by the diocesan statutes and the
specific assignment by the Local Ordinary.
(Can. 541 - 550)
The Assistant Fr. in Charge is a collaborator with the Father in Charge
in the pastoral ministry. His duties are regulated by the diocesan statutes and the
specific assignment by the Local Ordinary.
(Can. 541 - 550)
The Parish Pastoral Council is a Parish leadership structure composed of all the moderators of the Parish small Christian communities, Church groups, Church Committees and Finance Council. These moderators form one body with the Fr. In-Charge and the Assistant Fr(s). In-Charge to offer spiritual leadership, efficiency in accomplishing pastoral goals, spiritual growth and renewal, as well as the utilization of sound administrative procedures.
The Parish Pastoral Council is a Parish leadership structure composed of five leaders. These leaders form one body with the Fr. In-Charge and the Assistant Fr(s). In-Charge to offer spiritual leadership, efficiency in accomplishing pastoral goals, spiritual growth and renewal, as well as the utilization of sound administrative procedures.